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Monday, 9 September 2019

Training and Development for Industry 4.0 - Digital Transformation

Industry 4.0 – the fourth industrial revolution promises far reaching efficiencies as well as effectiveness and new product benefits and features across a wide variety of sectors. Its based on number of new technologies and innovations in sensors and computing, bio technology and simulation to nano technology, cloud computing, smart technology and robotics.

Using advances in technology health can be monitored remotely, online shopping and deliveries can be tracked, and the temperature of  homes controlled remotely.

Today, technology, engineering and manufacturing are creating  a manufacturing sector where products can be ordered, processed, manufactured and delivered without a pair of human hands being involved. This level of machine automation and its direction and control by artificial intelligence will  increase our reliance on engineering skills and maintenance expertise.

Operator Technical Training

Manufacturing is doing  the shift towards a more knowledge- and service-based economy.
Machine operators and technicians will still play a critical role in most manufacturing and engineering businesses.  There is also a need to upskill existing operators. To keep their place in the new production environment of  Industry 4.0, every manufacturer needs to get involved in skills development, understand the skills needed in the factories of tomorrow, and invest in the development of these skills today.

Upskilling machine operators to diagnose faults and repair machines at source should mean that productivity will increase. There’s no doubt that technology is  moving  fast, but technical training can run alongside new machines. But there is  a block in leadership area also and unless leaders are adequately developed, operator training cannot be managed by them..

Leadership Training for Industry 4.0

A massive 86% of respondents to the 2015 World Economic Forum Survey  prioritised training, coaching and mentoring as the best way to develop tomorrow’s leaders.

Just as employees might have to be reskilled, leaders  also will need to develop strong capabilities and qualities to tackle changes to the environment that Industry 4.0 will bring. The competitive is landscape includes new competition in the market, with disruptive technology leading to young and innovative companies quickly gaining market traction.

Leaders will need to spot and react quickly to new competition on the horizon. They have can quickly grab hold of new opportunities by search for available new technologies and adopting them quickly and appropriately.

In the new production systems, machines will be able to interact with their environment, and learn new behaviours and self-optimising strategies, leaders will need to harness the talents of their employees to fully explore, utilise and maximise new technological advancements.

Leaders will need to communicate at a whole new level as the future is uncertain due rapid change and innovations due to the new set of Industry 4.0 technologies.  Open and honest communication will be the most important leadership skill.

Every manufacturer needs to get involved in skills development. They need to fully understand and develop the skills needed, both on the factory floor and in the board room.

Managers need to adapt their style to embrace the attributes of leadership and coaching. They need to clearly express the need for additional knowledge, education, training and new skill acquisition. If management and leaders do not engage their people in the need and desire to upskill themselves, then any technical training budget will be wasted.

Neil Lewin, senior consultant at Festo Training & Consulting

Industry 4. 0 Training Options and Avenues

SIF-400 - The training system for Industry 4.0

SIF-400 - Teaching Material
SIF-400 - Related eLEARNING courses
SIF-400 – Opcionals
SIF-400 - Distribución conceptual

The The SIF-400 training system simulates a highly automated smart factory, including Industry 4.0 technologies, advanced manufacturing concepts and the reality of the connected enterprise.

Main features:

•Connected and open system
•Plug & Play
•Real process
•Management software
•IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things)
•Ideal for academics and research

SIF-400 allows the production of single unit containers and pack of containers. For the single unit containers, the customer triggers the order for X recipients assigning each of them a recipe. For the packs of containers, the customer triggers the order for X packs with the specific containers needed.

SIF-400 can dispatch single unit containers, packs of containers and pallets of packs.

BCG - ICO Model Factories for Immersive Industry 4.0 Training
A customized visit to an ICO model factory features capability-building sessions, an exchange of experiences with experts, and hands-on testing, including actual production lines—all aimed toward generating ideas about how to implement Industry 4.0.

Smart Factory Mechatronics Training System - Smart Factory Tabletop Mechatronics Training System

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