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Monday, 16 September 2019

Productivity Science, Productivity Engineering and Productivity Management


Work Systems & Services
Oral Presentation (20 minutes)

580470 - Productivity Science and Systems - Developments During 1895 to 1945

Tuesday, May 21
11:20 AM - 11:40 AM
Location: Gatlin A2

Learning Objectives:

  • F.W. Taylor described the system, he had used to increase productivity in 1895. More productivity improvement practices were described in his papers, "Shop Management" and "Scientific Management." Scientific management’s first principle advocates development of productivity science. Frank Gilbreth developed the science of productive human effort and proposed number of principles which became popular as "Principles of Motion Economy." In the paper, an attempt is made to highlight some important research works carried out in the area of productivity up to the year 1945 to trace the development of productivity science and systems after the need for developing them was indicated by F.W. Taylor. The purpose of the paper is to present an illustration of a collection of some scientific developments in productivity improvement that may motivate systematic development of body of productivity science in various issues related to productivity so that productivity engineering and productivity management activities are provided with scientific foundation for productivity improvement. Presently, an attempt to consolidate research output into productivity science is not taking place. Industrial engineering will have a more powerful knowledge framework if a well structured productivity knowledge base is made available as foundation for the phases of productivity engineering and productivity management.
  1. F.W. Taylor described the system, he had used to increase productivity in 1895. More productivity improvement practices were described in his papers, "Shop Management" and "Scientific Management." Scientific management’s first principle advocates development of productivity science. Frank Gilbreth developed the science of productive human effort and proposed number of principles which became popular as "Principles of Motion Economy." In the paper, an attempt is made to highlight some important research works carried out in the area of productivity up to the year 1945 to trace the development of productivity science and systems after the need for developing them was indicated by F.W. Taylor. The purpose of the paper is to present an illustration of a collection of some scientific developments in productivity improvement that may motivate systematic development of body of productivity science in various issues related to productivity so that productivity engineering and productivity management activities are provided with scientific foundation for productivity improvement. Presently, an attempt to consolidate research output into productivity science is not taking place. Industrial engineering will have a more powerful knowledge framework if a well structured productivity knowledge base is made available as foundation for the phases of productivity engineering and productivity management.

Engineering Management
Oral Presentation (20 minutes)

580223 - Evolution of Productivity Management - Present Scope, Opportunity and Challenges

Tuesday, May 21
8:20 AM - 8:40 AM
Location: Wekiwa 7

Learning Objectives:

  • Frederick Taylor started productivity management theory development with his 1895 paper on piece rate system, and developed it further in "shop management" and "scientific management" papers. His methods were adopted in industrial engineering and operations management disciplines. Productivity, efficiency improvement and cost reduction as objectives of industrial engineering were indicated by many authors and scholars. AIIE also indicated the same by specially mentioning that performance from systems will be evaluated and predicted in industrial engineering. Scott Sink and David Sumanth came out with textbooks on productivity management. But a review of the curricula of industrial engineering and a survey reveal that productivity management is not yet an important area in teaching and practice. In this paper, an attempt is made to highlight the development of important productivity management theories and practices through literature review, curricula review, opinion of IE faculty and profit center managers. The current scope, opportunity and challenges for productivity management are brought out in the paper. The purpose of the paper is to point out the need for further development of the subject to convince academicians and practitioners of the utility of teaching and using productivity management systems and practices.
  1. Frederick Taylor started productivity management theory development with his 1895 paper on piece rate system, and developed it further in "shop management" and "scientific management" papers. His methods were adopted in industrial engineering and operations management disciplines. Productivity, efficiency improvement and cost reduction as objectives of industrial engineering were indicated by many authors and scholars. AIIE also indicated the same by specially mentioning that performance from systems will be evaluated and predicted in industrial engineering. Scott Sink and David Sumanth came out with textbooks on productivity management. But a review of the curricula of industrial engineering and a survey reveal that productivity management is not yet an important area in teaching and practice. In this paper, an attempt is made to highlight the development of important productivity management theories and practices through literature review, curricula review, opinion of IE faculty and profit center managers. The current scope, opportunity and challenges for productivity management are brought out in the paper. The purpose of the paper is to point out the need for further development of the subject to convince academicians and practitioners of the utility of teaching and using productivity management systems and practices.


Process Industrial Engineering - Video Presentation

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