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Friday, 31 May 2019

Work Measurement

Work measurement is to be used to identify best way of doing an element of work. After a task is designed combining various elements the total time taken can be specified by summing up the time estimate for each element. Now predetermined time systems, the most popular being Most use this method.

Stop watch time study can be used on average trained operator to observe the time taken for each elements and from these observations standard times can be prescribed.

Measured calculated standard times of various tasks can be used to set daily task for operators.

Task based incentives can be set based on the standard time which is an output of work measurement.

Purpose of Work Measurement in Today's Industrial Situation.

Efficient methods are selected with the help of work measurement techniques when time is the most important parameter for deciding the efficiency of a method. Even if cost is the decision variable, we have to know the manpower time and machine times to calculate the cost of a method.

Optimization of plans and management decisions are done with work measurement results.

Work Measurement in Taylor's Time

One Reason was understanding the output that can be produced by a man. Taylor improved the working method, and gave rest breaks that would result in maximum output per day. But he used work measurement to find the minimum time in which a first class workman is able to do a given element of work.

F.W. Taylor came out with stop watch time technique that measured time taken for each element of an operation and systematized the work measurement procedures. Based on these time studies standard times of various work pieces were determined and fair job for the day of the worker was established using these standard times. Incentive systems were put in place to provide scope and income opportunity for production above the standard rate and also to provide motivation to reach the standard and exceed the standard.

Work Measurement - More Detail - Nadler









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Updated 1 June 2019,   4 June 2016, 16 Dec 2011

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