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Monday 27 May 2019

June - Management Knowledge Revision


First Week  1 to 5 June 2015

Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering assists managers in achieving the second important performance dimension of management - Efficiency. Effectiveness is the first dimension. Industrial engineering has its primary focus engineering activities, processes and organizations. The principles and practices developed in this subject have application in non-engineering areas. Managers have to be aware of basics of industrial engineering and recent developments. Even service sector organizations have engineering activities like construction and maintenance of buildings, operation and maintenance of transport facilities, information technology operations etc.

Detailed Presentation on Industrial Engineering PrinciplesPresented by Narayana Rao at IISE 2017 Annual Conference at Pittsburgh on 23 May 2017.



Industrial Engineering Introduction
Industrial engineering Principles, Methods Tools and Techniques

Functions and Focus Areas of Industrial Engineering
Pioneering Efforts of Taylor, Gilbreth and Emerson

Motion Study - Human Effort Engineering
Ergonomics - Introduction

Industrial Engineering Data and Measurements
Work Measurement

Methods Efficiency Engineering
Product Design Efficiency Engineering

2 week - 8 to 12 June

Plant Layout - Efficiency
Value Engineering - Introduction

Statistical Quality Control – Industrial Engineering
Inspection Methods Efficiency Engineering

Operations Research - An Efficiency Improvement Tool for Industrial Engineers
Engineering Economics is an Efficiency Improvement Tool for Industrial Engineers

Industrial Engineering and Scientific Management in Japan
Shigeo Shingo - The Japanese Industrial Engineer

System Engineering Process and Its Management
Systems Improvement Process

3rd Week  15 to 19 June

Systems Installation - Installing Proposed Methods
Productivity, Safety, Comfort, and Operator Health Management

Organizing for Industrial Engineering: Historical Evolution of Thinking
Current Research in IE

Managing Change in Improvement Projects - Comfort Zone to Comfort Zone
Supply Chain Cost Reduction

Total Improvement Management
Total Industrial Engineering - H. Yamashina

Opportunities or Areas for Innovation
Market Development for New Products, Processes and System

4 Week - 22 to 26 June 

Organizing for Innovation
Research and Development Management

Economics - Revision

Introduction to Economics - Basic Economic Concepts and Theories
Elements of Supply and Demand - Review Notes

Theory of Aggregate Supply and Demand
Business Cycles

Macroeconomic Objectives
Money and Monetary Policy

Fiscal and Debt Policies of the Government
Theory Demand, Supply and Equilibrium in Market

June Month Birthdays - Management Scholars and Professors

To July - Management Knowledge Revision

Industrial Engineers support Engineers and Managers in Efficiency Improvement of Products, Processes and Systems

One Year MBA Knowledge Revision Plan

January  - February  - March  - April  - May   -   June

July  - August     - September  - October  - November  - December

Updated 28 May 2019, 4 June 2017, 26 May 2016

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